Basic Syntax

WowLang uses a clear, hierarchical syntax inspired by modern configuration languages. It's designed to be both human-readable and machine-processable, making it easy to define and maintain organizational workflows.

Core Concepts

WowLang is built around these fundamental concepts:


The top-level container for a complete workflow. Each playbook represents a full process or way of working.


Major stages within a playbook that group related sessions together.


Specific meetings or time-boxed work periods with defined activities and outcomes.


Individual tasks or actions that need to be completed within a session.

Basic Structure

playbook "Name" {
    description: "Description of the playbook"
    purpose: "Clear statement of intent"
    thumbnail: "path/to/image.jpg"
    phase "Phase Name" {
        description: "Phase description"
        session "Session Name" {
            description: "Session description"
            suggestedDuration: 120  // in minutes
            activities {
                activity {
                    name: "Activity Name"
                    description: "What needs to be done"
                    duration: 60

Session Components

Sessions can include three main sections:


Preparation activities that must be completed before the session starts.

beforeSession {
    activity {
        name: "Prep Work"
        type: "preparation"
        required: true


The main activities that occur during the session.

activities {
    activity {
        name: "Main Task"
        duration: 60
        tool {
            name: "Required Tool"
            description: "Tool details"


Follow-up activities and deliverables after the session.

afterSession {
    activity {
        name: "Follow-up"
        type: "summary"
        format: "document"

Common Properties

Property Description Example
description Detailed explanation of the element "Detailed process description"
purpose The intended outcome or goal "Ensure quality delivery"
duration Time in minutes 60
required Whether the item is mandatory true

Real-World Examples

Check out these complete examples to see WowLang in action:

Ready to Write Your First Playbook?

Try out the syntax in our interactive playground and start defining your workflows.

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